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Curriculum Vitae



Part-time Consultant – Kowloon Hospital

Specialist in Psychiatry – private practice

Honorary Member of Advisory Committee of “Quality Care in the Community” Project launched by  The Hong Kong Society for the Aged

Member of the Advisory Committee of Society of Homes for the Handicapped (Fu Hong Society)

Registered for practicing as General Practitioner in Australia



Psychogeriatric Department (2/1995-8/2012) - Kwai Chung Hospital

General practitioner in Australia and Hong Kong (1980-1986)

Hospital Authority,  Department of Psychiatry (1987-2012)

Adjunct Professor, Chinese University (1994-2004)

Member of Health Committee, Hong Kong Medical Council (2008-2012)

Trainer and tutor for the Royal College of Psychiatrists, UK

Trainer and tutor for the Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists

Examiner for The Royal College of Psychiatrists in Hong Kong

Examiner for HK Clinical Assessment of Skills & Competencies Examination (9/2012) – The Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists

Part-time Consultant – Kwai Chung Hospital





© 2014

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